Elizabethtown Fair

I was lucky enough to get to the Elizabethtown Fair in time to see some of the cattle judging. There were a lot of similarities to the dog shows I’ve attended!

I know next to nothing about cows, and I did learn a few fun facts while chatting to some of the people ringside. The judge was very forthcoming in her comments to the crowd about why she chose which project to award prizes to and she also spent a minute or so talking to each contestant. She was saying things like, “this heifer is so feminine, she’s going to go ahead and have some lovely calves.” One fun fact is that not all the beef we get in the supermarket is steer meat, some are heifers. Another is that each of these “calves” weighs upward of one thousand pounds and some as much as fourteen hundred pounds! That’s a lot of beef for these kids to handle.


Memorial Day 2021